Saturday, April 6, 2013

Stars Fell on Alabama

I finally saw a shooting star last night. I mentioned I haven't seen one all year and I've been looking for one every night. I look at the sky a lot anyway, but Sally and I walk our dogs at least once every night so lately I spend extra time looking up. It really was odd. Usually I've seen a handful by now just casually looking at the sky occasionally. I was almost beginning to think that maybe there was some sort of force field around the Earth that I hadn't heard about. I just wasn't catching them, and it was good to see one again. I've run into people who've never seen one and I tell them if they look skyward long enough on any given night they'll see one. So last night I decided I'd stay outside until I saw one. It was a great night for sky watching; it was perfectly clear with no Moon. I must have been outside nearly 15 minutes. Sally finally came out to check on me. She saw me looking up and knew what I was doing. She decided to stay out with me, and a couple of minutes later one flashed by. It was just over the top of a big hedge, and Sally isn't tall enough so she missed it. It was just a little white one and it lasted less than a second, but it was a welcome sight. It shot just after we'd both said I love you, and that was pretty cool. I know the Universe isn't a giant Magic 8-Ball, but I don't see a problem with taking that as a good sign. In any case it was reassuring to finally see one in 2013. The Cosmic Balance has been restored. Cheers

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