Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Got Hash? (Dreams?)

Last night my bro-in-law and I went to a concert. We had third-row seats. It was packed, so when it ended we stayed a bit to let the crowd thin out. I was thinking how nice it would be to get stoned, since you can't smoke anything at most venues nowadays. My bro-in-law must have read my mind because he said "How would a big chunk of hash be right now?" Wow...hashish...haven't seen much of the real thing lately. Just then the next guy over goes "Looking for some hash?" BiL says "No, but that guy might" and nodded my way. The guy turns to me and says "I have 20 kilos in storage. How many you want?" Knowing I couldn't afford a key of hash I didn't think we'd be doing any business, but I thought it was funny that when my BiN mentioned hash, here's a guy with over 40lbs. You don't see that happen every day. I figured I'd put it in my blog and title it "Got Hash?" Ha ha. Just then I woke up and realized it was only a dream. It's just as well, since I didn't happen to have a couple thou in my pocket and couldn't get any anyway. I got a chuckle out of it, so I'm still putting it in my blog. Mmmmm...hashish. Wish I had some.

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